Last Place Is Not For Me – Day 3

Last Place Is Not For Me

Day 3:  Get a Check-up

Each summer when the school year is over I typically do two things.  Organize my house and visit the doctor.  The first is fun, the second I dread.  This summer I was complaining to the girls about having to go to the doctor to Get a Check-up when it hit me.  I am modeling complaining about taking care of myself.  Ouch!  That hurt.  I immediately changed my tune, literally mid-sentence.

I shared with them what a privilege it is to live in a country with great health care.  I am able to see my gynecologist every year and get a mammogram every year.  Not the case for most of the rest of the world.

With a grateful heart, I had the privilege of having a well woman exam and getting my boobs smashed.  Also, I was able to get a dental exam complete with a follow up visit to enjoy my first ever crown.  I am really hoping that my next visit to the dentist in six months does not require a follow up visit.

I want to teach my girls to take care of themselves.  This reframe of gratitude instead of complaining has changed me.

I want to encourage you to take care of yourself.  How long has it been since you saw the gynecologist?  Or had a mammogram?  This could save your life.  If we don’t take care of ourselves, we will not be able to care for the ones we love.

Simple Steps

Go to the doctor!  If it’s been more than a year, get on the phone and schedule that appointment.  Don’t be afraid.  Get that mammogram.  I got a 3D mammogram and it didn’t even hurt.  You can do it!

Encourage your Bellissima Buddy to do the same.

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