Look Who’s Eating!

Look Who's Eating

Last week I posted about the World’s Greatest Dog, Baci.  If you didn’t get a chance to read it, click here.

It took me a few weeks to decide to write the post.  But thinking the end was near, I sat down, cried a lot of tears and poured out my heart.

All week I received the sweetest comments, hugs, and phone calls from friends who have known Baci and how wonderful she is.  Each night Kurt and I prayed that if it was her time, maybe should could just go in her sleep.

On Thursday, I came down with a cold and a fever.  I spent Friday and the weekend in bed.  As I was lying in bed I began to take note of the spring in Baci’s step outside.  Our bedroom has two windows that look out to the backyard.  She was prancing in the sun.  Her tail, which has been down between her legs for over a month, all of a sudden popped back up to its usually pointing straight up into the air position.  In fact, as I am writing this, she is walking all around me, with her tail up and occasionally barking as neighbors walk by the front of the house.

This morning and tonight she ate her dinner of her old dry dog food, not canned food, but dry dog food!

I was sharing this with a few friends at work today and it must be because you all have been praying for her.  Please continue to pray for Baci.  The Lord may decide to give me a little longer with the World’s Greatest Dog.

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