
Ephesians 2:10 NIV

“For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

I love this verse! This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible for two reasons.  Let me share them with you now.

The word workmanship can better be translated as masterpiece.

What do you think of when you hear the word masterpiece? I think of Monet’s Reflections of Clouds on the Water Lily Pond. Monet has always been my favorite artist. Every Christmas, since I can remember, I have asked for a Monet wall calendar.  I have several books about Monet.  I even covered a tray with pictures of his paintings.  I use the tray in my living room to hold the remotes. While visiting family in the mid-nineties, my cousin, Vinnie, yes, I have a cousin Vinnie, I know, cool huh?  As I was saying, while visiting family in the mid-nineties Vinnie took me to the Museum of Modern Art, in New York City.  You can imagine my shock as we entered the room that housed Monet’s Reflections of Clouds on the Water Lily Pond.  I wanted to scream and jump up and down.  Instead, I walked around the room in silence.  Awestruck, I stared at the beautiful masterpiece.  I was amazed at how big it was.  It was much taller than me and wrapped around the room.

God calls us His masterpiece. You are a masterpiece created by the artist God.  Wow!  Sit with that for a minute.  I say it again, you are God’s masterpiece.  Handcrafted, one of a kind, beautiful masterpiece; that is how God sees you!

The second reason I love this verse is it gives us purpose. It says that we were created “to do good works.”  And not just any good works, but “good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  How far in advance?  Before the earth was formed?  Before time began?  Isn’t that a wonderful thought!

Today, He has a good work for you to walk in that He planned a very long time ago.  What is it?

Go out today and find it. Find the good thing He has for you to do today and do it!

Dear Father, What an amazing discovery! Your ways are more than I can understand. Today, reveal to me the good work you have for me to walk in.  Give me eyes to see your plans for me today.  I love you, Lord.  Amen.

One thought on “Masterpiece

  1. Genevieve

    Great encouragement for the day!

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