Monday’s Update

This week I am organizing my whole house.  I make that sound so grand, you should know I have a small house, so it doesn’t take me that long to organize each space.  If you missed my post on this week’s series, click here.

Yesterday, Sara and I organized part of my bedroom.  My original plan was to have Kurt help me because for the last three years, he has Monday’s off.  I was surprised to learn that Kurt is working 6 days this week which meant it was up to Sara and me.

We were humming along when he sent me a text saying he was coming home to work at his desk in our bedroom.  Well, there went that.  I was able to do a little spring cleaning like wash our comforter and donate the decorative pillows we had for the bed.

Lately, I have been intrigued by the minimalist movement.  How many pillows does one bed need?  The rule of the minimalist is to get rid of duplicates.  I got rid of them all.

Four years ago we converted our office into Sara’s bedroom and moved our bookshelves into the master.  Every morning I wake up and look at cluttered bookshelves filled with books and pictures.  One day this week, I will get those bookshelves organized which means, getting rid of old books and only keeping the ones I actually use or truly love to read over and over.

I did have quite the pile of things to donate, which makes my heart sing.  Last night Kurt loaded the stuff into the back of his van and today it will all get passed on for someone else to use.

Today, I’m taking my niece to breakfast at Chick-fil-a to celebrate her half-birthday.  Yes, I’m one of those people, who loves birthday and even half-birthdays.  When I get home Sara and I will tackle our living room, entry, office space, and hall closets.

I hope this inspires you to get organized.  Even if it’s just one drawer or one bookshelf.  Once you start, you will want to keep going.

Happy organizing!

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