
worship wednesday

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22,23 (ESV)

I love mornings.  I have always been a morning person.  My inner clock goes off sometime between 4:50 and 5:15 every morning.  My eyes pop open and more times than not, it’s a struggle to try to sleep a little longer.  Most mornings I stay in bed and pray for my family, my day, anything weighing on my mind.  But what I love most about mornings is the fact that I feel great.  After a long night of sleep, my joints are stiff, but after a good stretch and a few steps, my knees and ankles feel the best they will all day.

Recently I had a difficult day and that night, I climbed into bed feeling defeated.  I called out to the Lord about the day.  He listened and I talked.  I soon fell asleep, feeling agitated and overall uneasy.  The next morning, at 5:03, I met the morning still feeling heavy.  Then Lamentations 3:22,23 popped into my head.  It was as if God was whispering to me, “Wake up, meet the day with expectation of good things because my mercies are new every morning.”

I immediately began to praise the Lord for His goodness.  I turned my heavy heart into a heart of praise with just this simple reminder that it was a new day and God is faithful to bring new mercies.

Regardless of what happened yesterday, this morning, His mercies are new. Embrace the day with expectations of good things!

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