My Favorite Way to Start the Day

As some of you know, I have read the book  If by Mark Batterson several times.  I love it.  I’m actually reading it for the fourth time.  I decided to read it for the month of September.  While reading Chapter 9 yesterday I was reminded of why I’m doing my new favorite thing.  Mark keeps a gratitude journal and numbers each one.

At the start of the year, I decided to do the same thing.  I received a pink leather-bound journal for Christmas last year.  On January first, I wrote the number one and wrote down the first blessing of 2017, “1.  His mercies are new every morning!”

I have continued to do that everyday.  I get up each morning.  Pray.  Open my blessings journal and jot down two or three blessings from the previous day.  This morning I wrote 726, 727, and 728.  I then read my Bible and head out on a walk.  I love my morning routine.

You may have noticed that I am calling it a blessings journal rather than a gratitude journal.  I want to remind myself that these entries are blessings from the Lord.

I have found keeping a blessings journal has helped me count my blessings, like the old song says to do.  On those mornings, when the previous day was yucky, I’m able to focus on the blessings the Lord gives me everyday.

I recently spent the night at my sister’s and was able to share a few of my blessings with her and my niece, Bella.  They both have been assigned a number; Bella is number 434.

Take time today to count your blessings.

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