Nurture Your Walk with the Lord- Day 1: Memorize Scripture

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Day 1Memorize Scripture

I love the Lord!  I love spending time with Him.  I love when He speaks to me through His Word.  I don’t know how many times He has taken me right to a scripture and it was exactly what I needed.  Spending time in God’s word is essential to our walk.  If you have not read Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule then I would suggest you jump over there a take a look.  You will find 4 simple steps.  You can take the 21 Day Bible Reading Challenge.  Reading God’s Word daily is the best way to Nurture Your Walk with the Lord.

Another great way is to Memorize Scripture.  Because my parents sent me to Christian school all but 2 years of my K-12 education, I have memorized a lot of verses.  As a kid, I usually would cram the verse in the night before the test.  The next day, spit it out on notebook paper and never look back.  It didn’t mean anything to me until I was a teenager.

I was with my youth group on a trip to Disneyland.  The last morning of our trip I read Psalm 3:3 on one of those calendars where there is a verse for each day.  I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to memorize it.  So all day I kept saying it in my head as we packed, loaded the van, and drove across the desert.

As we pulled into our church parking lot I did not see our family car, a 1978 Ford LTD II, fondly nicknamed “The Big Yellow Boat.”  The youth pastor took my sister and me into our pastor’s office to tell us that our mom was in the hospital and they weren’t sure if she had had a stroke.

I felt immediately sick.  I was only 14 and my sister 11.  My dad arrived shortly and we made the drive to the hospital in silence.  As I stood by my mom’s side, I studied the tubes in her nose, the IV in her arm and lots of wires attached to her chest.  My head spun.  What would we do if she died?

I left the room and found a bathroom.  I called out to God, “Why?”  He immediately reminded me of Psalm 3:3, “But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.” (NIV)  There is was, “lift up my head.”  Like gentle words whispered by a loving Father, “I lift up your head.”  In that moment I was grateful I had memorized that verse and knew I would never quite be the same.

My mom had not suffered a stroke and she came home from the hospital in a day or two.  Soon life went back to normal.  But I was changed.  I never looked at another Bible test the same way.  I took that lesson with me, I love to Memorize Scripture.  It has changed me.  Let it change you.

Simple Step

This week memorize one verse.

What verse will you memorize this week?   Share it with us in the comments.



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