Nurture Your Walk with the Lord- Day 2: Get in a Bible Study

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Day 2:  Get in a Bible Study

We are in Day 2 of our Nurture Your Walk with the Lord series.  Yesterday, the focus on gave only one simple step:  This week memorize one verse.  Have you chosen your verse for the week?

Today we are looking at digging deeper into God’s Word.  The challenge is simple Get in a Bible Study.  Why is it important to be in a Bible study?  There are lots of good reasons, here are three.

  1. In studying His Word, we learn the deep complexity of our God.  I have enjoyed attending and leading Beth Moore Bible studies.  She has a way of taking Scripture and making it come alive.  I marvel at the things she finds in her research and shares with us.  I will never forget her explaining how the Israelites were positioned by tribe to be in the shape of the cross in her study A Woman’s Heart God’s Dwelling Place.
  2. You build community.  When you are studying God’s Word, praying for each other, and fellowshipping before and after the study, you get close.  How can you not?  You listen to each other.  You are there for each other.  I went through a time of being sick and it was my Bible study friends who brought meals for my family.
  3. You leave encouraged.  There is something beautiful that happens when God’s people get together for the sole purpose of knowing Him more.  He shows up!  And when He does, you leave feeling excited about knowing Him and your fellow believers.

The last thing I want to do is make your walk with the Lord about works.  You may not be in a season of your life where joining a Bible study is feasible.  In fact, as I write this, our family has made the decision to not be in our church Bible study for this school year.  Our evening schedule just doesn’t permit it at this time.  However, I am considering leading a women’s Bible study for a few friends.  Why?  Because I need the fellowship of reason number 2 and I love learning about God’s Word.

Here are my thoughts about starting the Bible study.  It is a lot to have my house ready, the kids tucked away in their rooms, and Kurt banished to our bedroom, every week.  I did this for several years.  I am thinking of doing it every two weeks and rotating houses.  This way I may only have to host it once every few months.  I have mentioned this to a few friends.  They like the idea.  I want to make sure I am taking care of my family first before I look to lead a study.

If you are in a season like we are, get creative.  Can your family do a study together?  Do you have friends who want to meet?  Can you join an online study?

Seek the Lord as you read through today’s simple steps to Get in a Bible Study.

Simple Steps

Commit to study God’s Word.  Studying more of God’s Word will lift you up!

Talk to your family about joining a Bible study at your church.  If this is not for your family then get creative.  Find a way to study God’s Word with others.

Ask the Lord if He has gifted you to lead a Bible studyIf you have the gift of teaching, look for ways to use your gift to encourage others.

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