Nurture Your Walk with the Lord- Day 6: Serve

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Day 6: Serve

One of the best ways I can think of to get our eyes off ourselves is to Serve. I got a call from a friend who was beside herself with worry. She was waiting for something to come through. In the meantime, she would call me and share with me her concerns. Finally, one day, I told her to find someone she could Serve. And Serve them. It sounds like it may be too simple, but it’s true.

We see Jesus over and over in the Gospels serving. From healing, to washing the disciple’s feet, to hanging on the cross for our sin, we see Jesus’ heart.

I grew up watching my parents Serve. My mom was always making a meal for someone or taking an elderly person to the doctor. My dad ran the food pantry at our church. If something needed to be fixed at church, he was there fixing it. We drove two elderly people to church every Sunday. Even today, they are still serving and wouldn’t have it any other way.
They didn’t serve because they wanted to do good works or because they felt their salvation depended on it. No, they serve because it’s what we are called to do.

I am thrilled when I hear of a high school requiring a certain number of hours of volunteering to graduate. This is our mandate.

There is a reward you get from serving. You feel good inside. When you serve someone you get blessed. Think about a time when you have served someone. Maybe it’s helping around their house, or sharing a sandwich with a homeless person, or delivering presents to an Angel Tree recipient. Whatever it is, as you think about it now, I’m pretty sure you are smiling. Why? Because it feels good to serve; it’s the way God made us!

How do you serve? Give us some good ideas on how we can serve.

Simple Step

Find a place where you can serve and do it.

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