Nurture Your Walk with the Lord – Day 7: Retreat

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Day 7:  Retreat

It is my sincere desire that you have enjoyed this series Nurture Your Walk with the Lord.  My prayer for you is that your walk with the Lord is vibrant and alive.  Sometimes we hit places where it doesn’t quite feel that way.  Times when God feels like He is a million miles away and we are not feeling that communion with Him we once did.

My solution for times like that is to Retreat.  Jesus did.  How many times do we read where He went to the other side of the lake to spend time alone?  If Jesus needed to recharge His batteries, then why do we think we don’t need that?

I have never been big on leaving my family.  Honestly, I have only gone away on one writer’s retreat since becoming a mom.  It was refreshing.  There is something about getting into the mountains and smelling the pines that makes my desert heart sing.  For those of you that live in the mountains and smell pines on a daily basis you don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?  But if you’re a desert rat like me, then you can relate.

I have found that every summer I need to get away from the 110+ degree days and into the coolness of the mountains.  I take my Bible, a pen, and my journal.  Kurt takes the kids on a hike and I find a good spot by the water or at a picnic table.  My soul gets recharged.  It does so much good for me that Kurt suggested to me recently, we should go every month.  I loved the sound of that.

For some of you it may not be the mountains where you can be alone with God and get recharged.  It may be the ocean.  Hearing the sound of the waves, looking out at the handiwork of God as the sky and ocean meet at the horizon, feeling the sand between your toes and hearing the sea gulls is where you see and hear the Lord.

Do you get away with the Lord?  What is your favorite get away?  Tell us in the comments.

Simple Step

Get away, Retreat. It doesn’t matter what kind.  It could be a personal retreat, a couples retreat, a women’s retreat, or a weekend away with your husband.  Get out your calendar and pick a date to Retreat with the Lord.

One thought on “Nurture Your Walk with the Lord – Day 7: Retreat

  1. Cindy Bertola

    I get “away” every single morning when I am the only one awake and I sit in a place where as I am finishing my devotions I can see the suntise. I thank the Lord for another new beginning and a new day. How I treasure that time with my Lord.

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