One Simple Step to Victory

worship wednesday

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  Colossians 3:17 NIV

While reading the book If I decided to fast sugar while praying specifically for something.  I loved it.  I had no idea what God would do in my heart for those 30 days.  After the fast, I went back to enjoying sweets.  A few weeks later, I decided to do a 21 day sugar fast.  Again, the Lord showed up in a big way in my life.  One of the side effects was that I lost 12 pounds in those 2 months.

I was hesitant to jump back into the dessert habit I had before the first fast.  So far, I have only gained 2 pounds back.  I was not expecting to lose that much weight, I really did the fast for spiritual reasons.

One of the benefits of fasting was walking in the fruit of self-control.  I wanted to continue walking in that discipline, but was not successful.  I was great at saying no to sugar when I was fasting.  Why?  Because I was doing it for the Lord.  But now, I’m just sort of floundering.  I was talking to the Lord about this and asking Him how to know when to say no to a sweet and when it was okay.

He reminded me of Colossians 3:17.  I was separating my fasting as unto Him, but my everyday eating, well, that was different.  How many times have I quoted this verse to my kids or my students?  Yet, I had never thought of applying it to my sweet tooth.  Hmmm.

Lately, I have been reminding myself of this verse.  I don’t know if you struggle with something in your life when it comes to self-control.  Try doing whatever that is as unto the Lord.  I think you will find if you keep that at the forefront of your mind, you will have victory.


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