Out of Plans

worship wednesday

Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

I am writing this because I need the reminder.  We make plans, we set them into action, and suddenly they get derailed.  I have been wrestling with the Lord over something since December.  I had a plan, it started out wonderfully, and out of nowhere, it flopped.  And in a big way.

I adjusted and came up with a new plan.  Set it into motion.  And now it is time to make another adjustment.  The problem:  I don’t know where to go from here.  I’m out of plans, which is probably where God wants me to be.

I have said, “I don’t know,” more over this than I have in a very long time.

I have been saying I am not going to worry anymore, so that’s not an option.

Coming up with my plan, well, that’s not an option either, because I am out of plans.

God leads

This is where I come to the second half of the verse, “but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”  My only choice is to sit back and simply trust the Lord.  I was just telling Kate, “God doesn’t lead us to leave us to figure it out.”  Instead, He leads us because His plan is a good plan, in fact, it is a better plan.  In 10 years, we will look back and it will make so much sense.

May I encourage you today to sit back and simply trust the Lord because His purpose will prevail and it will be better than anything we could imagine.

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