Overcome with Anguish? Can’t Breathe? What’s the answer?

I first wrote this in September, 2016.  I have a feeling it might speak to someone.

“Do not be afraid, O man highly esteemed,” he said.  “Peace!  Be strong now; be strong.”  When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.”  Daniel 10:19

“Don’t be afraid.  Peace!  Be strong.”  Do you need those words to penetrate your heart?  I do.  Lately peace is something I am in need of.  I find myself just whispering, “Peace, Lord, peace.”

This morning, He answered my plea by dropping me right in the middle of Daniel.  Daniel is not a book I spend much time in, in fact, I think it’s been years since I studied it.

I read the Bible in a way a lot of people might laugh at, more times than not, I pray, “Lord, speak to me,” I open my Bible, and read wherever my eyes fall.  I know you probably have heard many a preacher or teacher mock this sort of Bible reading, but it works for me and the Lord.

As I was saying, this morning, I prayed, flipped open my Bible, and there I was in Daniel.  The scene I interrupted is Daniel having waited three weeks to have an answer from the Lord.  Finally, Daniel is visited by an angel and shown a vision.  The angel explains that he was in a spiritual battle that required help from Michael, another angel who is one of the chief princes.  He was delayed in delivering the message to Daniel.

After seeing the vision Daniel says, “I am overcome with anguish because of the vision…My strength is gone and I can hardly breathe.”

I reread those verses again.  I have been feeling similarly…overcome with anguish…strength gone…I can hardly breathe.  Granted I’m not seeing a vision of the future, but I am living in the present.

Then the angel touches Daniel and says, “Do not be afraid…Peace!  Be strong!”

It didn’t take me long to connect the dots the Lord was mapping out for me.  I don’t have to wait three weeks to hear “peace” from an angel.  I have the Holy Spirit living within me.  My body is His temple.  He has been placed in me.  And what is a fruit of the Spirit?  How about peace?  Yes, peace.

Today as thoughts filled my mind that could overtake me, I reminded myself that the Holy Spirit and His peace live in me.  I faced the rough waves of this storm with assurance of the hope that lives in me.

I praise the Lord with you now!  If you know Jesus, you too have the Holy Spirit living in you.  He says to us, “Peace.  Be strong.”  When He says, “Be strong,” He is not saying reach down deep and find that strength on your own.  No!  He is our strength.  Remember the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Wait, that’s another fruit of the Spirit!  Joy!

Friends, today, allow the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit fill you!

4 thoughts on “Overcome with Anguish? Can’t Breathe? What’s the answer?

  1. Mom

    Beautiful love you

    • Louise Nichols

      Thanks, Mom, love you too!

  2. Mary Lou Lloyd

    Thank you, Louise, for these words! I neede them!

  3. Jennifer Tonkinson

    Great insight Louise! Thank you for this!

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