Overwhelmed? Try this!


More mornings than not, I wake up before my alarm clock and the list begins.  You may be familiar with it, the list of everything I have to do that day.  I haven’t even opened my eyes and it’s running through my mind.  I look at the clock and decide if I should get up or try to go back to sleep.  But the list is now in full gear and sleep escapes me.  I climb out of bed.

Are your mornings like that?  Do you have a list that runs through your mind?  How do you stop it?

I have heard we should place a notebook on our night table. When we wake up, jot down what comes to mind.  Then you should be able to go back to sleep.  Sure?  I don’t think so.  If I turn on the light, grope around for a pen, and begin writing out a list that usually has more than 10 items on it, I’ll be up for sure as well as waking up Kurt with the light.

I read a blog post once that suggested writing out your to-do list the next day each night before going to bed.  This way, when you wake up the next morning, you will have your list ready to go and it will be on the paper not running through your mind.  Yeah, that’s not realistic.  Putting it on paper does not stop the treadmill spinning in my mind.

So, what works?  What stops the list?  I don’t know how to stop the list.  Maybe simplifying my life would help?  But right now there’s nothing to take off the list, I’m a mom, wife, teacher, blogger, daughter, sister, friend, and the list continues.  Instead of spending my energy trying to stop the list I am choosing to look at how I can deal with the list and the early morning rising.

I am learning to look at my list “alarm” as a reminder to get in God’s Word.  The faster the list runs, the more I need to get out of bed and into my Bible.  On those mornings, which tend to be most mornings, I look at the clock and crawl out of bed, grab my Bible, and greet the morning with prayer.

As I begin to pray and give the Lord my list, the treadmill in my mind begins to slow down.  When I crack open my Bible and begin to read, the treadmill stops completely.  By the time I’m done, I have peace.  The good thing about getting up so early is that it gives me more time to spend with my Lord.

If you are like me and you find the list running through your mind around 5 AM, try jumping out of bed with excitement.  Call out to the Lord.  Give Him your list.  Pray through your list.  Prioritize your list with Him.  Read your Bible.  Don’t just skim through but read each word as if Jesus is speaking them to you.  Begin to walk in His peace.

Although I don’t know how to stop the list from waking you up, I do know who can make the list stop spinning in you head.  Jesus will take your list from you and replace it with His peace.  Meet with Him tomorrow morning, He will be waiting!


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