When God Says, “I Forgot”

On Sunday I made the worst parenting mistake I’ve ever made.  Earlier in the day, I went to church and sang beautiful songs to my God.  I listened earnestly to the sermon.  After the service I prayed with two ladies.  We came home and fireworks exploded between one of my girls and me. I could…

My Praise to the Lord

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.  Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.”  Psalm 95:1 NIV Today I want to praise the Lord with you.  I want to shout aloud, or write, to the Rock…

Hershey’s Best Brownies

This is my favorite go-to dessert.  I love anything chocolate and especially a brownie.  My mom used to make these brownies.  When I moved out-of-state when I was 20, she wrote the recipe on a card.  I still use that card today.  I thought of taking a picture of it, but the card is quite stained…

Why I Love the Book of Deuteronomy

“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.”  Deuteronomy 34:27a (NIV) I must confess that Deuteronomy is one of my favorite Old Testament books.  I’m guessing you may be thinking why.  I know, it’s one of those books that we tend to skip because it’s full of rules.  But I would…

Fix Your Thoughts on Jesus

“Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.”  Hebrews 3:1 NIV I take a medication that has a side effect of causing blindness.  Each year I get my annual eye exam.  This year I was required to do a specialized test called…

Be Jesus

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:9 I sat down to write this post with Orlando weighing heavy on my mind.  I asked the Lord to give me a word to share today with you.  As I prayed I opened my Bible randomly to Hebrews.  My eyes fell on the little…

Lemon Poppy-Seed Tea Cake

This is one of my recipes I go to when the hot summer days start to become unbearable.  Lemon Poppy-Seed Tea Cake is a delight on the tongue.  The sour lemon and the sweet sugar glaze are a perfect combination.  It’s like a sophisticated glass of lemonade in a cake.  I chose to make it for the…