Grace Upon Grace

“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”  John 1:16 NIV I was reading John 1 the other morning and this short verse jumped off the page.  That’s typically a good sign that I should blog about it.  The process I go through to write a Worship Wednesday post is quite…

Overwhelmed? Try this!

More mornings than not, I wake up before my alarm clock and the list begins.  You may be familiar with it, the list of everything I have to do that day.  I haven’t even opened my eyes and it’s running through my mind.  I look at the clock and decide if I should get up…

Stuffed Artichokes

My girls and I LOVE Stuffed Artichokes.  I grew up eating them when I was a little girl.  I love taking recipes from my childhood and sharing them with my children.  I was mentioning to someone today that we were having Stuffed Artichokes for dinner and she asked me to put the recipe on the…

Foxy and Freedom

Our dog, Foxy, came to us a few months before her fifth birthday, still healing from being spayed, and scared to death.  She had been living with a family who had not treated her kindly, to say the least.  They had used a shock collar because as most beagles do, she was a barker and…

5 Verses Every Parent Should Know

Parenting can be one of the hardest and most rewarding thing we ever do.  Raising two teenage girls is not for the faint hearted, that’s for sure.  I find I go back to 5 verses to get me through the rough patches.  I hope they minister to you as well. Deuteronomy 6:4-9  “Hear, O Israel: …

How to Make Chocolate Curls

I absolutely love chocolate cake.  It is my favorite food.  When I give my students their spelling test I try to use each word in a sentence about chocolate cake.  If I want a crowd pleaser I will usually make my favorite chocolate cake recipe.  But to top it off, to make it really pop,…

My Adoption Story Part 2

Last Monday I posted My Adoption Story Part 1.  If you missed it click here to read it.  You need to read it in order to better appreciate today’s post, My Adoption Story Part 2. I went home knowing that I would one day return to China for another daughter.  The prayers continued.  About a month…

My Adoption Story Part 1

As I shared last week in the post Are You a Dreamer, I believe God gives us dreams.  He then makes a way for us to walk in those dreams.  For me, one of those dreams came when I was only 14.  And when God was nudging me, I didn’t realize He was dreaming a dream…

Plans & Blessings

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”  Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) I am a planner.  Type A personalities like to plan.  If you have been following along on the blog you know that I have started planning out my meals and outfits for one month.  At first this seemed like a big…

How Do We Navigate Through Transitions

“Louise, you need to write about transitions,” one of my friends said to me this week.  I laughed.  I’m not really the best person to write about life’s transitions, I thought. I have a calendar where I write my blog post ideas.  For this blog post I had something already in the date box and…