People Pleaser

worship wednesday

1 Thessalonians 2:4b NIV

“…We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.”

How does that verse strike you? I am forced to stop and examine myself.  I am a people pleaser.  Performance is big with me.  The better I perform the more people will like me.  Can you identify with me?  Paul couldn’t.  Paul got it.  He knew what he was doing was for the Lord and the Lord alone.

Instead of feeling condemned, let’s choose to feel set free. As we enter this crazy holiday season, trying to please others will be too easy to do.  This holiday season let’s join together to please the Lord.  Let’s join the ranks of Paul.  Let’s commit to examine what we are doing by asking ourselves a few questions.

  • Will this honor the Lord?
  • Will this benefit my family?
  • Will this take me away from my family?
  • Am I doing this because I want to or because of what I will look like if I don’t do it?
  • What’s the worst thing that will happen if I don’t do it?

As the calendar begins to fill up, take time to go before the Lord about your commitments. Ask Him what He would like you to do this holiday season.  It may surprise you.  He may tell you to spend time with a lonely neighbor instead of attending a friend’s Christmas party.

Dear Father, I want my calendar to reflect your agenda for me. I want to be free of feeling guilty of not pleasing everyone.  I want to please you and you alone.  Forgive me for putting myself above your plans.  Remind me of these questions when I need it. I love you, Lord.  Amen.

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