Plans & Blessings

worship wednesday

“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.”  Proverbs 16:9 (NLT)

I am a planner.  Type A personalities like to plan.  If you have been following along on the blog you know that I have started planning out my meals and outfits for one month.  At first this seemed like a big chore, but after a couple of months, I was hooked.  I love not having to think.  I operate on autopilot and I love it.  So, as you can imagine this verse sort of rubs me.  I think that’s a good thing because I’m being refined.  When it’s all said and done, I would rather walk the path the Lord has for me rather than the path I could imagine for myself.  The path the Lord has for me is an adventure.  He takes me places I would have never dreamed.

Yesterday, I had a plan of how the day would go.  It was flawless.  Every minute planned perfectly.  Until the plan fell off the tracks while getting my oil changed.  I had an 11:30 appointment.  I arrived a few minutes early just in case they could see me sooner.  I got checked in and settled in reading a book.  At 1:00, I began to panic.  Why was it taking so long?  I had to have Sara at a friend’s house at 1:30.  That wasn’t going to happen.  I checked on my car.  Surprise!  It was finished and had been finished.  I checked out and got in the car.  I called Kurt who was still home.  “Tell Sara, I’m on my way.”  Kurt offered to make me a sandwich so I could eat it on the road.  The rest of the day went about the same.  I had one plan and the Lord had another.

Last night as I was climbing into bed I began praying and reflecting about the day.  The Lord took me back through the day and showed me things I hadn’t seen.  Take my extended period at the car dealership.  I had 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading.  I NEVER get 90 minutes of uninterrupted anything, let alone reading, one of my favorite things to do.  You see, I’m on spring break, and God was giving me a 90 minute period of time to take a break and do something I love.  And Kurt making me a sandwich, well that offered Kurt the opportunity to serve me.  I’m usually the one making his lunch, but yesterday he was able to make my lunch.  Seems like small potatoes, but Kurt is a servant and he shows love to me by acts of service.  The Lord reframed for me the rest of the day.  Blessing after blessing!

Today, if your plans don’t go as you planned, try looking at them through God’s eyes.  What hidden blessings will He give you today?


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