Praise the Lord

worship wednesday

Psalm 147:1

“Praise the Lord.  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!”

Are you feeling down?  Or afraid?  Or maybe uncertain of what the future holds?  There is one answer that scripture shouts to us…praise the Lord.

I am a firm believer in praising the Lord in the midst of a great storm.  When I am feeling down a sure way to rise above it is to simply praise the Lord.  One of my favorite ways is to sing praise songs to Him.

One of my dearest memories of my dog, Baci, who I have been writing about in my recent posts World’s Greatest Dog and Look Who’s Eating, has to do with praising the Lord.  It was a couple of years ago when I got sick.  I was in bed with a fever, my knees were swollen, and I was in intense pain.  At this point the doctor’s didn’t know what was wrong with me and I couldn’t walk without pain.  I was feeling rather low to say the least.

On this particular afternoon, the Holy Spirit prompted me to listen to praise music.  I pulled up songs on You Tube and began singing along.  I searched for one of my old favorites, “Shine, Jesus, Shine.”  As the music began to play, Foxy’s tail began to tap to the beat of the music.  I smiled to myself.  I started singing and within a few words, Baci began barking.  She barked the whole song as I sang.  Tears streamed down my face as I felt the power of the Holy Spirit in my bedroom at that moment.  As Baci and I sang worship to the Lord, my mood completely changed.  I had a lot to be down about and yet once I sang praises to God I could not dwell on that anymore.

Friends, try praising the Lord with a great song and see how focusing on Him will fill you with true joy!


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