Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays Day 3: Do Good and Share with Others

Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays

“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”  Hebrews 13:15-16 NIV

Are you generous? It’s the holiday season.  Everyone is giving gifts, donating to charity, baking cookies for their neighbors, etc.  So my question is…why?  Why do people give in November and December?  Is it because it’s socially acceptable, expected?  Is it because we are obligated?

I find it interesting that Paul encourages us to not only praise the Lord with our words, but to “do good and share with others.”

Today, let’s examine our hearts as to why we give, if we give at all. I know there are times when I give because someone gave me a gift and what would it look like if I didn’t give a gift back.  And other times I have given with a taste of resentment lingering in my mouth.

These verses hit me and not just about giving, but about sacrifice. Look at the end of verse 16, “for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”  He is pleased not when I give, but when I sacrifice to give.  That makes me think, how about you?

Let’s look for ways over this holiday season to sacrificially give. Let’s find opportunities to do good and give without anyone noticing.  If you are motivated to give because of how you will look, try giving anonymously.  Try doing something good because it pleases the Lord.

Earlier this year, Kurt was unemployed for several months. It was a financial stretch to say the least.  One day I walked into the teacher work room and someone had put a Fry’s gift card in my box.  I cried.  Not only was God pleased, but let me tell you, so were we.

Simple Steps:

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you when you are giving with the wrong motivation. Confess to Him your desire to do good and give with a sacrificial heart.

Write a gift of worship to the Lord today. My favorite times to spend with the Lord are either early in the morning before the rest of the house is awake, or late at night when everyone has already gone to bed.  Find a time today when you can write a gift of worship to the Lord.

Leave a word of encouragement in the comments below.

Come back tomorrow as we Prepare our Hearts for the Holidays.


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