Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays Day 5: Restoration

Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays

“…and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, ‘Give thanks to the Lord Almighty, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.’ For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before, says the Lord.”  Jeremiah 33:11b NIV

What comes to mind when you think of the Lord restoring “fortunes of the land as they were before?” Is there something in your life that needs the Lord to restore it?

The holidays can be difficult for some. You may be away from your family and planning on spending Christmas alone.  You may be grieving the loss of a loved one and the holidays rip that scab right off.  I am writing this today for you.

The Lord is true to His Word. He will restore your broken heart to the way it was before.  Don’t lose heart.  Don’t give up.  Don’t believe the lies from the enemy that this painful time of your life is permanent.  It isn’t.  Change is coming!

Hold onto Jesus. Hold onto His promises.  Cling to Him in your brokenness.  He will hear you.  He will deliver you.  He will restore you.

I know. I know because I have been there.  I have been broken.  I have grieved.  I have wept before the Lord.  And I have been restored!  He has taken me from the ugliest, darkest, most horrible places and brought me out into a beautiful, free, glorious place.

Simple Steps:

Talk to the Lord. Tell Him how you are feeling.  Pour your heart out to Him.  End with praise.  When we praise the Lord, our heart becomes lighter.  I know when you are in the middle of the storm, it’s hard to do, but do it!  Listen to a praise song, read a Psalm, or declare aloud truths about Him.

Write a gift of worship to the Lord today. My favorite times to spend with the Lord are either early in the morning before the rest of the house is awake, or late at night when everyone has already gone to bed.  Find a time today when you can write a gift of worship to the Lord.

Leave a word of encouragement in the comments below.

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