Prepare Your Home for the Holidays – Day 1

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Are you ready for the holidays? Can you believe it is already October?  As a child, I remember hearing from adults that the older you get the faster time flies.  Well, they weren’t kidding!  Before you know it, you will be sitting in front of your Christmas tree on Christmas Eve wrapping your last presents.

Does that send a sense of panic through your body? This year it shouldn’t.  At Living Bellissima we are women of faith.  We are women who are looking to live life in a way that honors God.  Worry and panic are not fruits of the Spirit.  We are going to take charge of the holidays this year starting with a month long series Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

In order to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays I have a few simple steps to get us started.

Simple Steps:

Call your Bellissima Buddy and do this together. If you don’t have a Bellissima Buddy, read my post called Get a Bellissima Buddy.

Grab your calendar or print off the month of October from any calendar website.

Divide your home into 4 Zones:  Living, Sleeping, Eating, and Cleaning.

Make a list of what you want to organize in each of the zones. My list included:  entry, all hall closets, office, living room, my bedroom and closet, the kid’s bedrooms, kitchen, nook, laundry room, and bathrooms.

Assign each item on your list to a date on your calendar.

home for the holidays day 1

As you can see in this picture, here are my writing assignments for the month.   I don’t have everything on this list, but I know many of you have these rooms and more.  May this be a guide for you to use.  I divided my zones as follows:

Living Zone: Entry, All Hall Closets, Office, Living Room

Sleeping Zone: Master bedroom, Master Closet, Kate’s Room, Sara’s Room

Eating Zone: Kitchen, Pantry, Nook, Linens

Cleaning Zone: Laundry Room, Master Bathroom, Kid’s Bathroom

Get your family excited about how you will Prepare Your Home for the Holidays. I enlisted the help of my girls.  They are just as excited as I am and even offered some great tips.  They were hoping we would be decorating for Christmas, sorry to crush their dreams, no, we are not.  We are however, putting up some fall decorations.

Post Your Calendar Where Everyone Will See It.  Now that your family is on board to help, do this together.  Let one of your children cross off each day with a thick red marker.  Make it fun.  Each morning look at what you have planned to work on for that day.  Ask your children what they would like to do to help.  Remember what I wrote in Clean Your House, it’s not about perfection.

Celebrate! When the month is over, do something to celebrate your accomplishment with your family.  You know I love to celebrate when I hit a goal, so this should not come as a surprise that the last simple step is to celebrate.  It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive, but it does have to be memorable.

Are you ready to take the challenge and Prepare Your Home for the Holidays?  Visit Living Bellissima each day for simple steps to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays.  Each day, leave a comment and let us know how you are doing.

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