Prepare Your Home for the Holidays – Day 3: Hall Closets

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Hall Closets

Today, the girls and I worked on our hall closets. We have two closets.  One is a coat closet and the other a linen closet.  They both serve more than one purpose.  When you have a small home, you learn quickly how to get creative.

We started with the coat closet. We looked at every coat we have hanging in our closet.  How do people who live in Gilbert, Arizona, have so many coats?  I discovered we need to get one of the girls a coat before it gets cold.  We were able to donate three coats!  I love making donations. If you are looking to make some extra Christmas cash, a yard sale is a great idea.   I have held one yard sale and it was probably my last yard sale.  Because I am constantly purging, I rarely have enough stuff to justify a yard sale.

The coat closet is also home to my sewing machine as well as Kurt’s golf clubs. We have several puzzles that are stored on the top shelf.

We finished by adding a couple extra hangers for our guests.

Here is our finished product:

Hall closet 1

Next we attacked the linen closet. In this closet we keep the girl’s towels.  We moved their swimming towels to the top shelf because we won’t be swimming again until the summer.  We went through the wash clothes and towels, any undesirable ones became rags and moved to a different closet.

The next shelf holds our movies. We got rid of quite a few movies which will make a nice donation.  The next two shelves are dedicated to our games.  We love games and only parted with one.  Years ago on the floor in a basket I kept our art supplies, but my girls are too big for those fun supplies.  It makes my heart sad.

Hall closet 2

With each closet, I felt more and more accomplished. How about you? As you Prepare Your Home for the Holidays are you feeling accomplished?   Share with us in the comments below.

Tomorrow I will put our office in order.

Simple Steps:

Assemble your supplies.  A few kids, a card table to place everything on as you empty your closets, one bin or bag labeled trash another labeled donation or yard sale.

Empty the closet.  Do all your coats fit?  Are they still in style?  How many years has it been since you last wore it?  Consider donating extra coats to charities that collect coats to give to those who don’t have a coat this winter.  Do your coats have any missing buttons?  Make needed repairs.  Have your kids try on their coats.  Do they still fit?  Do you need to get a new coat or two before it gets too cold?

What else do you have in that closet? You should be able to clearly identify the purpose for your closet.  Closets are not a glorified junk drawer.

Add a few empty hangers for guests.

Cross off your second assignment on your calendar!

Come back tomorrow as we organize the home office.



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