Prepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 5: Living Room

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Living Room

We are at the end of Week 1. Today we are finishing up our Living Zone with the Living Room.  You may have a living room and a family room.  We have one room, some call it a great room, but I like the way Living Room sounds.  It is where we do most of our living.  It is connected to the kitchen, so you can imagine this is the space where we spend our time.

Quite honestly, this is the easiest room in the house to organize and prepare for fall. We don’t have fall decorations for this room.  But we do have blankets that are great to snuggle with as the weather cools.  Keep in mind we are in Arizona and my air conditioning is still running.  But in a few weeks, I will reach into our ottoman and pull out those blankets.

I did organize something with the girls today. We have a basket with Wii games.  Actually, my Bellissima Buddy, also my sister, gave us a bunch of games to borrow.  We took some of our games and put them in a bag to trade with her.  I did take the liner to the basket out and ran it through the dryer on air fluff before refilling the basket.

Living room 2

I made sure that the magazines on the end table were recent. And really, that was it.  Because we don’t have an entertainment center, we don’t have anywhere else we can store things in our Living Room.

How did the first week go for you as you Prepare Your Home for the Holidays?   Share with us in the comments below.

Next week we will begin on the Sleeping Zone. I’m looking forward to getting into my kid’s bedrooms.

Simple Steps:

Look at your living room.  What do you need to organize? Movies, magazines, games, books, even remotes, what can you do to make your room feel put together?  Do you have anything you can get rid of?  Keep in mind Santa is coming soon, now is a great time to get rid of old toys to make room for new ones.

Pull out blankets and run them through the washing machine. Who wants to snuggle on a dusty smelling blanket?

Decorate for fall. Put up some fun fall decorations that you have.

Cross off your fourth assignment on your calendar! You have finished week 1, let’s celebrate.  How about a cup of hot cocoa and a good movie tonight?

Come back next week as we organize the Sleeping Zone starting with the master bedroom.

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