Prepare Your Home for the Holidays Day 7: Master Closet

Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Master Bedroom Closet

It is so nice to wake up to an organized room. How lovely!

Today I organized our Master Bedroom Closet. Our closet is my favorite place in the house to organize.  Here’s what I did.

I started with my sweaters. It’s almost sweater time and I can’t wait.  I took all the sweaters off the shelves and went through each one.  Did I wear this last year?  Is it still in good condition?  Do I still like it?  I was able to donate 2 sweaters and 2 sweatshirts.  Next, I sorted them by color as seen in the picture below.

Master closet 1

I then worked through all my clothes asking myself the same questions. Have I worn this in the last year?  Is it still in good condition?  Do I still like it?  Is it still in style?

I group my clothes by category and color. The categories are shorts, jeans, dress capris and pants, dresses, skirts, t-shirts (first short sleeve, then long sleeve), and dress shirts.

My scarves hang on an organizer I purchased at Ross. I love it.  I found a similar one on Amazon.  Click here.

Master closet 2

My shoes fit neatly in their shoe cubbies. I was able to donate a pair of flip flops that were just a bit too big for me.  I wore them one time; someone will score with that at Goodwill.

My purses and bags are tucked away from the last time I organized them. No work required.

That concludes another successful day of organizing. I am feeling more ready for the holidays with each passing day.

Are you feeling more ready for the holidays as you Prepare Your Home for the Holidays?   Share with us in the comments below.

Tomorrow I will be organizing a kid’s bedroom.

Simple Steps:

Start with your clothes. Look at every piece of clothing.  Ask yourself the same questions I asked myself:   Have I worn this in the last year?  Is it still in good condition?  Do I still like it?  Is it still in style?  Whatever you are not keeping, get rid of it.  Put it in your donation/yard sale bin or bag.

Take a good look at your shoes. Ask yourself the same questions you asked about your clothes.  Are you able to get rid of a pair of shoes?  Do you have proper footwear for the winter?  If not, put it on your shopping list.  Don’t let that first snow take you by surprise.  That is such a funny sentence to write living in Gilbert, Arizona.

Put another big red X on your calendar. You are doing great.

Come back tomorrow as we organize a kid’s room.

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