Preview of Prepare Your Heart for the Holidays


As I have been praying over what to blog about in November, the Lord has been directing me toward some topics and away from others.

A few years ago, I was on a field trip with my students. We went to a huge museum that required a lot of walking.  Because I can’t walk too much, I found a quiet place to sit with my Bible while my students and parents broke up into groups for their tours.

I love setting appointments with God. I had been looking forward to this time with Him.  I knew I would have about 2 hours of uninterrupted time to hear from the Lord.  I don’t get that much time very often.

I sat down with my Bible and a piece of notebook paper. I had a view of a beautiful garden.  My chair was soft and comfy.  I could hear classical music playing.  Everything was set up perfectly for me to hear something.  And hear something I did!

I began reading Psalm 116. I love the Psalms.  When I read them, I feel like I’ve come home.  When I hit verse 17, I paused.  It reads, “I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord.” (NIV)  Huh?  I don’t ever remember reading about or learning about a thank offering before.

I began to jump around the Bible finding these amazing references to a thank offering. I knew as I read these verses this was going to be something I taught on one day.  And here we are, two and a half years later.

I would like to not only look at topics like Thanksgiving Dinner Guest List or Black Friday Traditions or my Great-Granny’s Cranberry Sauce (to name a few of the posts coming in November) but what does it mean to offer a thank offering to God. It is Thanksgiving after all.

My assignment for you and me is simple.

Simple Steps:

Begin asking the Lord to speak to you through His Word. I will be blogging similarly to my Worship Wednesday posts Monday through Friday next week.  Ask the Lord to begin to prepare your heart to hear what He has to tell you.

Keep a journal. I want us to create a Thanksgiving Journal just for our eyes and God’s ears.  I’m not talking about putting cliché things on Facebook like, “I’m thankful for chocolate.”  Although there is nothing wrong with being thankful for chocolate.  I love chocolate.  But I want us to dig deeper this month.  To search our hearts and minds, to look around at the blessings the Lord has poured out on us, only because He loves us, and sing our thanksgiving back to Him.  You can use a journal you already have, you can create one by stapling 30 sheets of paper together, or you can purchase one, click here for one on Amazon.  I will talk more about this on Monday.

Tomorrow read my post Squeezing Time for God in a Hectic Schedule Day 4.

Sunday read my post Nurture Your Walk with the Lord Day 4.

Come back on Monday to be challenged and grow in your faith. Next week is going to be a great week, I can’t wait!  See you then.

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