Rain Is Coming

worship wednesday

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Saturday morning, the pain in my left knee woke me up.

“Ugh, it’s going to rain,” I announced to Kurt.

We got up and he opened the shades in our bedroom.  “Look at the sky, there’s not a cloud to be seen.”

I shrugged my shoulders and went about my morning.  As the day progressed, the clouds began to roll in.  Sure enough, it rained.

I told Kurt, “Never doubt my knees.”  We laughed together.

That got me thinking about doubting God.  There have been times in my life when I have looked at the situation I was in and put my trust in a circumstance rather than in God.

Solomon warns us, “Lean not on your own understanding.”  Just like the sky looked clear, rain was coming.  There may be something going on in your life that looks one way, but in reality God has something coming.  “He will make your paths straight.”

A few years ago, one of my students approached my desk and fell to the floor.  He was having a seizure.  I did not know what to do.  I sent the class out of the room and began to pray aloud.

I laid him on his side and continued to pray.  When the school nurse and the paramedics arrived they told me that I had done everything right.  I immediately thought of Proverbs 3:5-6.  I could not “lean on my own understanding,”  I put my trust completely in the Lord.  In so doing, He led me to do what was best for my student.

Regardless of what is happening in your life, today, put your trust in the Lord!

One thought on “Rain Is Coming

  1. Genevieve

    Excellent reminder!!

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