Sometimes a Stomach Bug Is a Stomach Bug

worship wednesday

Romans 8:1 NIV

“Therefore, there is now no condemnations for those who are in Christ Jesus,”

As you may know I am memorizing Romans 8 in 2015.  I am doing okay at this, not great, just okay.  I am reminded by the Lord daily about Romans 8:1.  There is no room in Christ for me to beat myself up if it takes me longer than one week to learn a verse.

This past week I had a stomach bug.  At first I thought of everything I could have eaten that would have upset my stomach.

After a few days I began to think maybe it was me that was the problem. Maybe I was worrying too much and bringing on this upset stomach due to stress.

I have a lot on my plate right now, that must be it.  From there my thoughts went from bad to worse.

  • Why can’t I just give my worries to the Lord?
  • How long have I been a Christian and I still struggle with worry?
  • What does that say about me?
  • I’m a fraud.
  • I teach kids about God’s Word and yet I don’t believe it.
  • etc.

Does your thinking ever spiral like this?  Before I knew it I was swimming in a pool of condemnation.  And rightly so.  I deserved to have these thoughts if I couldn’t give my worries to the Lord.

I went to bed early one night and the Lord prompted me to turn on the Bible app on my phone and listen to Romans 8 while I fell asleep.

It was then that the Lord gently reminded me of the very verse I had learned years ago and was reviewing this year.  “Therefore, there is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

Hello!  I am in Christ Jesus!  “Therefore, there is no condemnation!”

I wanted to shout with joy.  It was then I had a thought, Maybe I really do just have a stomach bug.

Sure enough, Kurt came down with the same thing.  When I went back to work, I found two of my students had the same thing.

This served as a great reminder to me that the last thing I need to do is beat myself up and walk in condemnation.

In Him I walk in freedom!  I choose to replace the lies I was believing with the truth of Romans 8:1.

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