Summer Book Study


I’m so excited to invite you to join me this June for a book study of my new favorite book, If:  Trading Your If Only Regrets for God’s What If Possibilities, by Mark Batterson.  I got If for Christmas and promptly read it.  I then reread it with a pen, underlining my favorite parts.  I don’t say this lightly, but this book has been life changing for me.  I’m now ready to do the study with you.  I ordered the DVD’s last week.

The study is four weeks long.  June has five Thursdays.  We will meet on Thursday, June 2, to get acquainted.  The study is designed to read one chapter a day, after reading the first 7 chapters we will watch the first DVD segment on Thursday, June 9.

We will meet from 6:30pm – 8:00pm at my house.

I promise to have some sort of yummy treat each week for us to enjoy.

You will need the book and the participant’s guide.  Click here for the book and here for the participant’s guide on Amazon.

I am praying for the ladies that will join this fantastic book study.  Please let me know if you plan on attending by leaving a comment below or telling me directly.

I have an extra copy of the book and the participant’s guide.  Be the first person to leave a comment below stating you will be joining the study and the books are yours!


One thought on “Summer Book Study

  1. Kelly Parker

    Hi Louise!
    So looking forward to getting to know you more and embark on this 4 week journey about God’ possibilities for my life:) Kelly

    PS. I’ll see if Serena wants to come. She doesn’t really use Facebook.

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