
worship wednesday

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Isaiah 41:13 NIV

“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

When Kate was in the first or second grade, she and Kurt went for a walk in the neighborhood. As they were walking by a house, Kurt noticed a man working in his garage with two dogs.  All of a sudden the two large dogs darted down the driveway toward Kurt and Kate.  Kurt immediately grabbed Kate and put her behind him.  The owner shouted a command and the dogs backed down.  Kurt came home a little shaken.  Ironically, Kate didn’t seem fazed.

As Kurt recounted the story to me, she played with a toy, really not that interested in the story. I thought this was odd.  Here these two dogs had nearly attacked them. I asked Kate, “Where you scared?”

“No,” she responded.

“Why not?” I questioned.

“Because I was with Daddy,” she said with a smile.

You see, she was with her dad. She knew that she was safe.  He would protect her.  She had nothing to fear.

This is reflective of our relationship with God. He is our Dad who keeps us safe, who protects us, who gives us reason to fear not.  Put your trust in Him today.  Know that He holds your hand.  Regardless of what storms of life are swelling around you, He is before you, keeping you safe.

Not that long ago, I had to be around some people who have not always been kind to me. The morning I was leaving, while still in bed, I asked the Lord to help me.  I was reminded of this verse as I felt Him impress on me, “I go before you, I am behind you, I am on your right and I am on your left.  I am your protector.”  He surrounds us!

Dear Father, Today, I put my trust in you. I know that you are surrounding me with your loving protection.  Thank you for your Word that reminds me of this.  I love you, Lord.  Amen.

One thought on “Surrounded

  1. Genevieve

    Great reminder!

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