Hershey’s Best Brownies

This is my favorite go-to dessert.  I love anything chocolate and especially a brownie.  My mom used to make these brownies.  When I moved out-of-state when I was 20, she wrote the recipe on a card.  I still use that card today.  I thought of taking a picture of it, but the card is quite stained…

Dark Chocolate Brownies

I was giving the cookbook Hershey 4 Books in 1:  Bars, Brownies, & Treats; Cookies, Candies & Snacks; Cakes & Cheesecakes; Pies & Desserts for Christmas last year.  I have found many wonderful recipes.  I took “Best Fudgey Pecan Brownies” and adapted it to our families liking.  I hope you enjoy it as well. 1/2…