
Today’s focus is Rest.  I am still learning how to rest.  Last week, I was back down with a fever because I am still pushing myself too much.  I am in need of reading today’s post. Join me in hearing Jesus call to us to rest in Him.  I hope you enjoy Last Place Is not…

Go to Lunch with Friends

Taking care of yourself includes nurturing your friendships.  I need my friends.  I know something magical happens when I’m sitting with a friend over lunch. Join me in reading Last Place Is not for Me Day 6:  Go to Lunch with Friends…

Give Yourself a Pedi

Today’s post serves as a reminder to spoil yourself.  Do you find it difficult to make time for yourself for something that seems silly? Do you think maybe God would see it as selfishness?  Here are my thoughts on how God might actually feel about us taking care of ourselves.  Click on the link Last…

I Hate to Sweat

I am going through this series because I need these reminders.  One of my Goals for 2015 is to exercise more.  I am slowly working on achieving this goal. Hopefully rereading this post will inspire me.  I hope you enjoy Last Place Is not for Me Day 2:  I Hate to Sweat…

I Love Chocolate!

Welcome back for another 7 day series.  Last Place Is Not For Me is about caring for yourself so you can better care for others.  Many of the themes for each of the days are part of My Goals for 2015. Join me in reading Last Place Is Not For Me Day 1:  I Love…