1 Week Whole House Organized Challenge

I wrote this post last year and I’m ready to do this again!  Starting on Monday, I’m turning into an organizing machine.  I am going to change the schedule a bit.  I will be starting with my bedroom and closet.  This summer Kate is working so it will just be Sara and me Tuesday through…

How To Declutter a Space

Yesterday I wrote the post 1 Week Whole House Organizing Challenge.  I got the following comment from a friend, “I feel the same way. Summer is the only time I have to deep clean/organize. Thank you for sharing this. I spent 4 days organizing my closet and it’s still not done. Do you have any…

5 Simple Steps to An Organized Filing Cabinet

Every year between Christmas and New Year’s I organize my filing cabinet in preparation for preparing my taxes.  After hearing a friend talk about her unorganized paperwork, I thought I’d write about my simple system. Because we live in a small house every inch counts.  This means keeping things simple.  We fit all our paperwork…