The Cry of my Mom Heart

“So that your trust may be in the Lord, I teach you today.”  Proverbs 22:19 NIV I was reading my Bible this morning and came across this profound proverb.  I underlined it.  Meditated on it.  Made a note of it to hang this somewhere in my classroom.  Ultimately it resonated most with my role as…

5 Verses Every Parent Should Know

Parenting can be one of the hardest and most rewarding thing we ever do.  Raising two teenage girls is not for the faint hearted, that’s for sure.  I find I go back to 5 verses to get me through the rough patches.  I hope they minister to you as well. Deuteronomy 6:4-9  “Hear, O Israel: …

How Do We Navigate Through Transitions

“Louise, you need to write about transitions,” one of my friends said to me this week.  I laughed.  I’m not really the best person to write about life’s transitions, I thought. I have a calendar where I write my blog post ideas.  For this blog post I had something already in the date box and…

Chapter 9 “Holy Complications”

We are at the end of our book study.  It is my prayer for you that this study would have strongly impacted the way you pray for you kids for years to come.  Let’s jump right into the final chapter of Praying Circles around Your Children by Mark Batterson. This chapter is entitled “Holy Complications.” …

Chapter 3 “Five Prayer Circles”

I hope you have been enjoying Praying Circles around Your Children.  Today we are reading chapter 3.  It’s a short chapter but full of great nuggets of wisdom. “I have come to terms with the fact that I’ve done more things wrong than I’ve done right as a parent, but I’ve taken courage from this…

Chapter 2 “The Legend of the Circle Maker”

Welcome back!  Today we are looking at Chapter 2, “The Legend of the Circle Maker.” Please share in the comments your favorite parts of the chapter.  Let’s get a good discussion going. Here are my favorite sections of chapter 2. “It’s imperative to distinguish between your will and God’s will.  Every prayer, including your prayers for…