The Good Shepherd

worship wednesday

Isaiah 40:11 “He tends his flock like a shepherd:  He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”  NIV

How does God care for us? He carries us.  How?  Close to his heart.  Do you see the word picture in your mind?  Our Lord carrying you pressed close to his chest, protecting you, loving you, cherishing you.  Why?  Because He loves you.

John 10:14-15 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.” NIV

He loves us so much that He gave His life for us. We are His sheep.  He knows us and we know Him.  Take comfort in these verses.  We are His.  We belong to Him.  Do you need to hear that?  You belong!

It matters to us to know we belong. God made us that way.  He wants us to know we belong to Him.  He is our God and we are His people.

Both of my girls are from China. When one was here more than a year, she still did not understand that we are her forever family.  She is part of us now.  She belongs to us and we belong to her.  She would make comments like, “When I grow up I will tell my kids about my sister.”  She was meaning that she would not still know her sister; her sister would be a memory.  I explained time and time again that we will be in each other’s lives until we die.  She will always be my daughter.  She will always have a sister.

After a while the light bulb came on for her. One day while driving in the car she began to recount to me her life story before I knew her.  She then announced, “But Jesus gave me to you and we are a REAL family.”  Of course, I began to cry.  Yes, we are her REAL family.

That’s how it is with God. He is our REAL family.  He knows you!  Take a moment and imagine He is holding you pressed against His chest.  Close your eyes and spend a moment in the arms or your loving shepherd.

Father, Thank you for reminding me I belong to you. You are the Good Shepherd and I am your sheep.  I love you, Lord!  I praise you!  As I go through my day, bring this to my mind.  Show me all day how you are holding me. Thank you.  Amen.

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