“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
Through my living room windows, I noticed the yellow jacket flying around my back patio. As quickly as I noticed it I forgot about it. It’s a yellow jacket flying in its own environment and I was inside.
A few days later, I noticed two, then three yellow jackets flying around the back patio. Hmm, that’s a bit interesting. Maybe it’s mating season.
My friend and her husband were at my house and she noticed a yellow jacket on the back patio. Rather than ignoring it, she informed her husband.
He went to work looking all along the eaves of my home until, at last, he discovered the nest. It was a decent size as far as hornet’s nests go. I was alarmed to say the least. I am afraid of anything with a stinger that flies.
By the afternoon, the nest was gone along with the yellow jackets. Since then every time I see a yellow jacket flying around my house, I go hunting for nests. I have found two more. Those yellow jackets are determined to take up residence on my eaves.
And this reminds me of life. The way a little lie can creep its way into our thinking. After some time another similar lie pops up and before you know it, there is a whole nest of lies taking up residence in our minds.
When we hear that first little lie, follow the advice of Paul in our verse and take that thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. How do we do that? We simply replace it with truth.
We can demolish arguments by using truth. Isn’t that what a lawyer does in court, or at least on the legal dramas I watch on TV?
When I was a small child in Sunday school we would sing a song that went something like this: “Oh be careful little ears what you hear. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear. For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear.”
We could mix it up a bit by saying, Oh, be careful little mind what you believe. Oh, be careful little mind what you believe. For the Father up above is whispering in love. Oh, be careful little mind what you believe.
Not all thoughts we have originate with us. You may have a thought that is as the verse says “against the knowledge of God.” Does that thought line up with what you know of the character of God? If the answer is no, then take it captive. Meaning, grab it and send it away. Then ask yourself what does God say about whatever your thought was about and speak that over yourself.
For example, if you hear the lie that says, you’re not good enough. Grab it. Toss it. And remind yourself that you are chosen by God or that you are the apple of God’s eye or that you are God’s masterpiece.
Be vigilant to capture the lies right away. Which is why I now take a walk around the permitter of my house every time I see a yellow jacket. Yellow jackets are not welcome here.
Very true and profound!
Thank you, Jean!
I’m good at taking one little truth someone tells me and turning it into a thousand little lies!
As my mama used to say “Robin, stop the stinking thinking”
Robin, I love that!