Tuesday’s Update

Two days down, three to go!  Yesterday, Sara and I organized our living room, two hall closets, and our office space.

This was probably our easiest day.  The only thing to organize in our living room is a small basket under the TV table that holds the girl’s Wii games.  We took a quick peek in our coat closet and it looks great.  What took the longest was going through the games we have in a different hall closet.  We did come up with two things to donate.  The office space didn’t need any organizing.  I actually organized it last month right before school got out.

Today, I’m flying solo in my organizational pursuits.  Kate’s working and Sara’s babysitting.  Because I’m on my own, I will tackle the kitchen.  I’m hoping it won’t take me too long.

If you’re organizing this week, I’d love to hear from you in  the comments below.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another update, until then, Happy Organizing!

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