Verse for 2016

worship wednesday

“Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  Ephesians 4:2 NIV

On December 19, I came across this verse and determined in my heart that this verse was going to guide me through the holidays.  I even wrote it on our chalkboard that hangs in the kitchen.  I have decided that it will be the verse that carries me throughout 2016.  This year I focused my attention on Romans 8, you may remember me wanting to memorize it as one of my yearly goals.  I did not memorize it word for word, but I can tell you what just about every verse says.  I meditated on that chapter almost every day of this year.

This year I will look to “be completely humble and gentle.”  I’m not sure I’m either one of those things.  I will also strive to “be patient.”  Having arthritis has made me slow down and pause and wait.  When I come home from a long day, I have to sit down for at least 15 minutes and rest my ankles.  I have to be patient as I wait to get back up and get to whatever it is I need to do.  I am learning how to be patient.  And finally, “bearing with one another in love,” will take center stage.  Like Paul says in 1 Corinthinas 13:2 if I “do not have love, I am nothing.”  When I see the phrase “bearing with one another” I think of carrying a burden with someone.  I want to come along side the people the Lord has placed in my path and walk life with them, loving them all the way.

I challenge you, friend, to join me in making this verse your 2016 verse or to choose a verse that will guide you through this next year.  Leave your verse in the comments below.  I would love to see what you will be mediating on this next year!

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