Verse for 2017

worship wednesday

“…yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.  The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.”  Habakkuk 3:16,17 NIV

As one year winds down, I find myself asking the Lord what it is He wants me to focus on for the next year.  Over the past several years, He has given me a verse or chapter to mediate on for the following year.

This year the Lord brought me to Habakkuk 3:16,17.  Usually, I have a feeling about it around mid November.  But this year, I was drawing a blank.  In fact, I even thought maybe He wanted me to focus on something different.  Maybe one word?  I’ve done that in the past, where I’ve studied one word for a year and mediated on the verses that have that word in it.

Yesterday, I had a few hours with nothing scheduled.  I took my Bible, a notepad, and a few books I’ve been studying and found a quiet spot to pray.  I was away from home and all the typical distractions.  I went to a park far from my house to ensure I didn’t run into anyone.  To be honest, I didn’t even get out of my car.  I sat in the driver’s seat, prayed, and waited on the Lord.

I opened my Bible to the introduction page of Habakkuk.  I read it and started to guess at what the Lord was saying to me.  As I read through the short 3 chapters of the book, I could see what God was saying.

As I read the last two verses, which I had already circled, I knew this was what I would be meditating on this year.

In the book of Habakkuk, Habakkuk is frustrated with the fact that it seemed the wicked were prospering.  The Lord speaks to him throughout much of the book and lets him know that in the end, the wicked don’t win.  He wins.

As the book ends, Habakkuk is saying in spite of all these things that have gone wrong he would praise the Lord.  He would be joyful.  He would choose joy.

As I reflect on 2016, it has been difficult, especially the last few months.  Yet I will choose to rejoice in the Lord and be joyful.  I love the small but might word…yet.  Yet.  Maybe this year I will be focusing on this verse and the word yet.

Looking at verse 17, I am reminded of how the Lord has healed me and made my feet like the feet of a deer.  I am able to walk!  Praise the Lord, I am healed.  The later part of 17 says, “he enables me to go on the heights.”  I’m interpreting this as regardless of how difficult my circumstances get, the Lord will raise me up above them.

Friends, this year, let’s make this a year of praise, joy, and rising above.  Let’s shout out a yet!  “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior.”

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