I leave the gift of peace with you-my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts-instead, be courageous! John 14:27 TPT
How are you doing in the fear department? I think it’s a fair question at this time in our lives. If you had asked me last week, I would have said I was fine. But on Sunday, around 5 PM, that all changed. So if you answered you’re a little afraid or a lot afraid, if fear has crept in, then this is for you.
I had been to the store on Friday and Saturday looking for almond milk. On Sunday around 5, I returned to the store to find still no almond milk. I walked the aisles looking at how empty the shelves were. I had just been there the day before and the day before that, but for some reason on Sunday, it was a bit much to absorb.
As I paid for my oranges and blueberries, which had also evaded me both Friday and Saturday, I asked the clerk when she thought the almond milk would be restocked. With a warm smile, she politely explained I would need to arrive Monday morning when they opened at 6 AM. She went on to describe how long the line would be and that I should make a beeline for the almond milk.
I slowly made my way through the crowded parking lot and paused to look up at the sky when it hit me, I’m scared.
The Exact Moment Fear Crept In
In an instant all sorts of thoughts flooded my mind. It felt almost as if I were drowning in thoughts. Like bullets from a machine gun, the thoughts wouldn’t stop. I closed my eyes and whispered a simple prayer, “Lord, you see me right now.” I fumbled to get into my car with the bag of groceries and before I knew it I was tearing up, not full-on crying but still I had tears form in my eyes.
I asked Him for peace and believed with all that is in me that peace would come. And you know what? It did. I talked with him about the fearful thoughts. Each one I took to Him. Much like what I wrote in Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom and in a recent blogpost, I Am Free: A Breakthrough in Freedom, I did the work with the Holy Spirit. If you haven’t read the post I am Free: A Breakthrough in Freedom, take a moment and click here and read it.
I am a history buff, I absolutely love history, especially U.S. History, and really anything about World War II. This suggestion of coming back in the morning and standing in a line and being rationed on how many milk products I could purchase hit a nerve. Instead of dwelling on it or letting it stew, I took it right to the Lord.
He listened as I explained how this reminded me of that time in history and I questioned our future. What is happening? What is going to happen? Is this our new normal? As I said them aloud in the car, I could feel the fear slipping away. I asked the Lord to remind me of Truth. Remember, He is the Truth. I asked Him to show me what Scripture I could use to counter this fear. I prayed through the verses and felt a bit better.
The next fearful thought about being all alone, I took to the Father. I poured out my heart, and He met me right where I was. He reminded me that He will never leave me.
This went on until I had taken every fearful thought to him. I talked through the my feelings and waited for Him to respond with Scripture. When we were finished, I drove home a different person than the person I was when I got into the car.
When we spend time with Jesus, He transforms us. I heard someone say that when you leave prayer you will be different, if you are the same then you didn’t pray you complained.

Helpful Hints on What to Do When Fear Creeps In
Friends, I urge you to take your fears to the Lord. Allow His peace to wash over you. Tell Him how you are feeling. It’s okay to feel that sting of fear, it’s not okay to set up a tent and build a fire and camp there for days and weeks. We all have fears, we all have times when it feels just a little more than we can handle. He’s ready and waiting to take your fear and exchange it for peace.
Find a verse that replaces the fear with truth. So often fear masks a lie we are believing. For me, the lie had to do with me not being in control. Maybe that’s you too? Ask the Lord to show you verses that you can mediate on during this season.
It may be helpful to post today’s verse or another verse on your bathroom mirror or use it as a bookmark in you Bible or stick it on your refrigerator. Read that verse aloud several times a day. Pray it over you and your family. Declare it as truth that is replacing your fear. Share it with a friend.
That brings me to my next piece of advice, tell a friend. Find a “Hopeful Harriet” rather than a “Negative Nelly.” We all have friends who see the glass as always half-full. Call that friend. Ask them to pray with you. Allow them to speak truth into your life. Invite them to hold you accountable with your fear. I’m here for you. Feel free to write a comment below, email me, or text me. I’m happy to be your Hopeful Harriet.
Go outside. Stand in the sun. Try taking off your shoes and standing barefoot in grass. When we do this we are actually grounding ourselves. This is something I have done for years, and recently heard a scientist explain there is actual evidence that proves if we stand barefoot on the earth it helps our anxiety and literally grounds us. Who knew? Take a walk for 30 minutes or a run or a bike ride. This will release endorphins into your system and you will feel better. What I’m suggesting is to simply get out in nature and move. We were created to move, not to sit on the couch and watch the news.
Finally, distance yourself from the news. I don’t watch the news. This is frustrating to some of my friends and family, but I know what’s best for me. I can’t watch the news without feeling sort of yucky. So, I just make it my practice to not watch it. On occasion I will turn it on. For example, if the president or my governor is address the people, I will tune in. But rarely and I mean rarely is the news on in my house. Instead, fill your mind with life giving TV, movies, music, or books. Pick up a copy of my book, Stop the Lies and begin reading it every day. It’s a 30 day devotional all about how to stop believing the lies and start walking in freedom and Truth.
Our God is a good God with good plans for you! He brings peace! When Jesus said He would leave a gift of peace, He wasn’t lying. This is a gift from our Lord to us. Grab hold of it and don’t let go.
*Stop the Lies: 30 Days to Freedom, my latest book, is available on Amazon. Click here to purchase your copy and a copy for a friend.