Do You Want to See Your Life Change?

nurture your walk with the Lord photo

As you know, we are working our way through the beginning steps of Organize Your Life.  Yesterday, we looked at the importance of a good girlfriend, or as I like to call her, your Bellissima Buddy.  Having that accountability partner can help us be successful on our journey to be free.

We will spend the next seven days Nurturing Your Walk with the Lord.

Today we start on Day 1:  Memorize Scripture.  This is perfect because on Monday I invited you to join me in memorizing Romans 8:1.

Take a moment and click on the link to Nurture Your Walk with the Lord Day 1.  May you be encouraged to memorize scripture.  It will change you!


2 thoughts on “Do You Want to See Your Life Change?

  1. Sheri

    I love this story, Louise. You truly inspire me with your strength and love for the Lord.

    P.S. I came to ASU driving a 1972 Ford LTD we nicknamed “The Tank” 🙂

    • Louise Nichols

      Sheri, That is so funny!

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