World’s Greatest Dog

World's Greatest Dog

I have the world’s greatest dog.  She came into my life twelve and a half years ago.  And soon I will have to say good-bye to her.

I had always said I would have two dogs once I moved into my new home, one would be a chocolate lab and the other a yellow lab.  My sister came up with great names, Baci and Smoochie.  Baci would be the chocolate lab because my favorite candy is Baci candies and they are chocolate and Baci means kisses in Italian.

I moved into the home we live in nearly 13 years ago.  It was a new build which meant the backyard was not landscaped.  I wanted dogs, but knew, I could not have a dog with a dirt lot.

Two days after my birthday I got a phone call at work from a friend.  He insisted a mutual friend of ours, Annie, had my dog.  Annie found her at the park a few days before.  Annie had put up signs in her neighborhood and no one had claimed the dog.  I felt bad for this lost puppy, but I couldn’t bring a dog home.  He called back a couple more times that afternoon telling me how cute she was.  I finally agreed to just go and look at the dog.

It was late when I finally arrived at Annie’s house.  She took me into her backyard to see the puppy.  I was shocked as this dog was no puppy.  She was at least 50 lbs.  This beautiful dog obviously was a chocolate lab mix.  I bent down next to her and whispered, “If I take you home with me, you have to take me into my forties.”  The next thing I knew I was driving home with this huge dog in the front seat sticking her head out the window.

Baci and I went to the vet the next day to discover she had already had at least one litter of puppies.  She was closer to two years old.  She had been abused and as the vet explained to me, “would need a lot of TLC.”

Well that makes two of us.  When the foundation of the house was laid, before there were any walls, I got down on my knees and asked the Lord to bless my house.  I asked that this would be a safe place for those who had been hurt.  Little did I know that He would start with a dog.

In the beginning she was afraid of everything including the shadow from the light pole.  Slowly over time she began to trust me.  Taking care of her was in many ways therapeutic.  I had been abused as a child and then again in marriage.  I knew what fear was all about.  I also knew that with Christ I can overcome anything.  I did for her what God has done for me.  I crossed the street instead of making her walk by the shadow of the light pole.  Eventually, we could walk by the light pole.

Baci helped me overcome things as well.  I was so hurt in my marriage that I did not want to let anyone in.  It was Baci who taught me how to open my heart and love.  Unless you have been wounded, you probably think I sound like a nut.  That’s okay.  None the less, it’s true.  Baci loved me and I loved her and the hard heart that I had began to soften.

Each night after work, Baci and I would take a long walk.  We’d eat dinner together, watch a little TV, and sleep in the same bed.  She had her side and I had my side.  I took her with me whenever I could.

Within a few years I became a mom to Kate, then a wife to Kurt.  I attribute some of it to my sweet Baci.

Today Baci is 14 and I’m 41.  She lived up to her end of the bargain, she took me into my forties.  And I provided her a safe place to recover.

My heart is full of joy, love, and gratefulness for this dog.  Recently Baci stopped eating and drinking.  We took her to the vet, put her on antibiotics and medicated food, and prayed.  She is eating most of the time and back to drinking but I can tell her time is coming to an end.

We have agreed as a family that we don’t want her to suffer and when that day comes, we will say good-bye.  I will get her a cheeseburger from McDonald’s.  We will celebrate her beautiful life.  I will probably cry many tears.  My heart will break.  I will always love my girl, Baci.

As I am writing this, she is lying on the floor next to me, snoring.  I will miss her sweet snores.

God’s gifts come in all shapes and sizes.  One of the best gifts He has given me is Baci.  I know that her living to a ripe old age of 14 is a miracle in and of itself.  I have lots of memories with Baci and I’m sure you will read about them for years to come.



2 thoughts on “World’s Greatest Dog

  1. Caryn

    Lousie, I just read this post tonight. I am a puddle of tears. Oh how the Lord allowed you to love on those who had been hurt – dogs & girls. Thanks for these words.

    • Louise Nichols

      Caryn, Thank you!

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