Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that He has lavished on us! He has called us and made us His very own beloved children. 1 John 3:1 TPT
Yesterday, I had the privilege to speak at a Mom’s Prayer Breakfast at a local Christian school. Can I just take a moment and say there is nothing I would rather do than to share God’s Word with people? I love Jesus and I love to tell people how much He loves them.
As I woke on Monday, my heart began to race as the Lord whispered to my spirit, tell them I love them. My eyes instantly filled with tears because if there is one thing I know it is the love of God. It is real! It is deep! It is true!
I thought today I would give you the same encouragement. God loves you!
Friend, take a moment and sit on that statement. The God who spoke life into being loves you. And more than that…He likes you.
He likes spending time with you. You see, relationship is the key to it all. He desires a true relationship with you. Not one of works or religious acts, but one of true affection and trust.
Now, you may be hearing a whisper in your mind right about now saying something like that’s a little too good to be true. May I suggest that it is not too good to be true. And if I may be so bold, that is a lie from the enemy. Our enemy, Satan, does not want you to believe that God’s love is real.
I want to encourage you to spend some time today meditating on the verse for today. Take a screen shot of it and look at it throughout the day.
It tells us to look with wonder. Wonder. What do you think of when you hear to look with wonder? I think of taking my two adopted daughters from China to Disneyland for the first time. The look of wonder on their faces sum up how we are to look at God’s love or as John penned, God’s marvelous love.
Looking with wonder at His marvelous love that He LAVISHED on us. Yes, you read that correctly, lavished. He lavishes His love on us every day. Maybe you see it in the sunrise or in the taste of an orange bursting in your mouth or in the way you feel forgiven from the shame you carried for years or in the mercy He has shown you when you first called on His name. Friends, our God lavishes His love on us.
Receive it. Palms up and open. Breathe it in. Bathe in it. Allow it to overwhelm you.
And be reminded that you are called a child of God. A child of God. You are a child of God.
Have you been believing the lie that God’s love is not real or can’t possibly be as good as it sounds or that God doesn’t like you? Replace those lies with the truth of this verse.
In a few weeks, my latest book, Stop the Lies – 30 Days to Freedom will be available for you to purchase. This book gives you the tools you need to overcome the lies of the enemy and walk in the freedom Christ has given us. I’ll be making a big announcement on here when the book is available. Stay tuned!