You Don’t Have to Do It All!

“Come to me.” – Jesus

I looked at my calendar and realized I had double booked myself for dinner on Friday night. How did I do that? Well, you see, I use two calendars. One on my phone which works great when I’m on the run. And the other calendar is a paper planner that I just love. That’s the calendar I prefer. I literally had put one friend on my phone and the other group of friends on my planner.

As I went to reschedule with my friend, we had a hard time finding a day that works in the next week or so. And this is when I start to feel a bit overwhelmed. How can one person be this busy?

When I start to feel this way, I take a step back. I pause with the Lord. I open both calendars and start prioritizing.

I have a new favorite podcast, it’s called The Next Right Thing. Emily P. Freeman talks each week about just doing the next right thing. I am loving it. When I discovered her, I went to the beginning of her podcasts and started with episode 1. Each day I listen to a new episode. This morning I listened to episode 78. Eventually, I’ll be all caught up and have to settle for hearing her rhythmically soothing voice once a week.

Emily says, do you like how I’m referring to her by her fist name like we are the oldest of friends? Emily says to ask yourself the question, “Are you being led by love or pushed by fear?”

That profound sentence is transforming my life. So, when I’m pausing with the Lord, I ask myself that question. And it offers such clarity.

With Thanksgiving next week, and December literally around the corner, I thought this might be a good time to share this new wisdom with you. When you are looking at your calendar and feeling a wee bit overwhelmed, take a moment to pause with the Lord. Take a deep breath. And ask yourself this simple yet profound question, “Am I being led by love or pushed by fear?”

Jesus offers us love. He offers us relationship. He offers us a safe place to pause and breathe deeply. When He says, “Come to me,” He means it. Go to Him with your calendar and your holiday plans and let Him show you what’s motivating you. And if it isn’t love, you have permission to decline it.

I’ve been working on the Advent devotional for my email subscribers and I was reminded of our calling to love. John 15:12 gives us a simple command, “Love each other as I have loved you.”

Today, take that command to heart. Love your family, friends, community, church, the checker at the grocery store. Love. If we are motivated by love and not fear, overwhelm doesn’t stand a chance.

If you are interested in receiving the Advent devotional I’ve written then sign up to receive my newsletters here. I’ll drop it in your email inbox on November 30. You can print it off and read it each day from December 1 until Christmas.

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